My Porsche connects
My Porsche Features
My Porsche registration
Experience more Porsche in just a few clicks:
Create your central access to all the advantages of My Porsche in just two steps. With your personal Porsche ID, you can start your unique Porsche experience immediately.
Step 1:
Follow the link in your personal invitation email for your new vehicle or go to the My Porsche registration form in your browser or in our app and enter your personal details. Your email address is the key to your Porsche ID account. You will then receive a confirmation email that you can use to activate your account.
Step 2:
Then create your personal My Porsche password and log in to My Porsche . If you have not received a personal invitation email to add your new vehicle, please contact your Official Porsche Centre to add your vehicle(s) and immediately use all the advantages of My Porsche in your browser or in the app.
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MyPorsche app now.
Please note that the functionality of My