January - March

Porsche gives awards to graduates of Prague Technical UniversityAward-winning work provides knowledge of reversible engines

Stuttgart. Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, Stuttgart and Prague Technical University (TU) have presented the “Porsche Engineering Award” for the third time. Last Friday in Weissach, Wolfgang Dürheimer, Porsche’s Development Director, presented awards to three graduates of Prague TU for their outstanding theses. The first prize went to Thomas Dynybyl (24), who investigated the subjects of switching off cylinders and downsizing in particular in his work “Reversible engines.” In explaining its choice, the jury, which was composed of representatives of Porsche and of Prague TU, referred to the special importance of innovative engine concepts to the automobile industry in order to be able to meet future legal requirements. Other prizewinners were Denis Waraus (25) and Lukas Sojka (25). All three winners receive a cash prize. In addition, the winner of the first place is being offered a doctorate position at
Porsche Engineering Services s.r.o. in Prague.

Porsche and Prague Technical University have been working together in the field of technical calculation and simulation since 1996. With the “Porsche Engineering Award”, the three best theses in each year written by the students of Prague Technical University have been receiving awards since 2006. The prize is intended to further cement the relationship between Prague TU and Porsche AG.

