How to pronounce Porsche
Find out how to pronounce Porsche like a German native
Close-up of rear of black Porsche Taycan 4S
One syllable or two? Check out our guide on how to precisely say the Porsche name, and soon you will be pronouncing it like a seasoned pro
How Porsche is pronounced has caught some people out since the company’s earliest days. Is it one or two syllables? Do you pronounce the ‘e’ at the end? Well, we are here to confirm that there are two syllables, and if you’re pronouncing the ‘e’ on the end like an ‘uh’, then you’re on the right track. Porsche, of course, gets its name from its founder, Ferdinand Porsche. In the German language every letter is pronounced to a certain degree, unlike in English where silent letters are frequent. It’s the anglicised version of the word that is the root of the Porsche mispronunciation problems, as the correct way to pronounce it is, of course, the German way – because that’s where Porsche comes from, after all. Want to hear how it should be pronounced so you can practice it out loud for yourself? Just listen to the video below for all you need to hear.
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