Edición 383
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The Porsche Cayenne in the world’s longest road tunnel between Aurlandsvangen and Lærdalsøyri

Dan Gurney in a Porsche 804 at the Nürburgring, 1962

The Porsche 911 R from 1967 on the way to Monza

Painting of Tim Layzell

The mountain pass "Gamle Strynefjellsvegen" in Norway

Hans-Joachim Stuck

Magnus Walker and his Porsche 911s

Michael Steiner and Fritz Enzinger (r.)

Australian kangaroo

Lederhosen are for men and women

Markus Eckstein, Hendrik Löbberding and Marc Locke (l-r) with the sun car

Catja Wiedenmann and Annette Loftus (r.)