Back to the Roots
A love of detail
With the new 911
Small things often attract the most attention. Like the curved, nine-letter logotype:
At the
Even without the
Noteworthy features of its
Setting the style
In the future, heritage design will play a starring role at
The team was encouraged by the jubilant response to the 911
The response has been so enthusiastic that
The exact appearance of these heritage versions will remain a secret until the cars are unveiled.
(Boris Apenbrink)
Past meets present
The state-of-the-art cockpit in the new 911
The exact appearance of these heritage versions will remain a secret until the cars are unveiled.
“We want our customers to be able to reconnect with that sense of vitality our historical cars are known for.” (Stéphanie Kleiböhmer)
By Thomas Ammann
Illustration by PORSCHE
Photos by Victor Jon Goico